Radiation Oncology

What is radiation oncology? 它是用放射疗法治疗各种形式的癌症. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们使用最先进的技术和个性化治疗提供专家护理.

Radiation Oncology Scanner and medical staff
Radiation oncology scan, Truebeam machine

Why choose UCLA Health for radiation oncology?

Radiation oncology at UCLA Health, gives you access to radiation oncologists who use a patient-centered approach to care. 我们为患者提供专业的护理,同时也为家庭成员提供周到的支持. 我们的使命是通过研究倡议来推进癌症治疗,直接转化为更好的患者护理.  


Expert team: Our team includes physicians, radiation therapists, scientists, medical physicists, specialized nurses and more. 结合我们最先进的技术和放射治疗技术, 我们有专业知识为患者提供最先进的治疗方法. 我们的目标是给每个病人最好的机会来获得积极的结果.

Expanded access to care: We want to ensure that every patient has access to expert care. In fact, 我们的一些研究举措包括建立远程医疗咨询的远程选择. 扩大我们的远程医疗选择,可以让住得很远或日程繁忙的患者有效地与专家联系.

Innovation and technology: We give patients even more options for radiation therapy. 我们是为数不多的为大范围复杂癌症提供高剂量率(HDR)近距离治疗的中心之一. 我们的中心也是世界上仅有的三个使用Flexitron机器的中心之一, 这使得我们可以在一个舒适的门诊环境中进行HDR近距离治疗.

Conditions we treat

放射疗法使用安全剂量的辐射来缩小或摧毁癌细胞. Sometimes radiation therapy is a stand-alone cancer treatment. 你的医生也可能会建议将放射治疗与其他治疗相结合, such as chemotherapy or surgery.


  • Breast cancer: When cancerous cells start in the breast tissue.
  • Lung cancer: Cancer that starts in the lungs, often affecting people who smoke.
  • Lymphoma: 淋巴系统的癌症,开始于淋巴结(抵抗感染的免疫细胞).  
  • Prostate cancer: 当前列腺(产生精液和精子的小腺体)癌变时.
  • Sarcoma: 这是所有类型的癌症的广义术语,起源于骨骼或结缔组织.  
  • Skin cancer: 当皮肤细胞不受控制地生长时,通常是由于暴露在紫外线(UV)光下引起的.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia: A chronic pain condition that affects the nerves in the face.

Radiation therapy treatments

Radiation oncology at UCLA offers 治疗方案旨在为患者提供获得积极结果的最佳机会,同时也优先考虑安全性和舒适性. Treatments we offer include: 

Brachytherapy: This treatment sends radiation directly on or into cancer tissue. Sometimes, 我们使用金属或塑料管来聚焦和引导辐射到一个精确的位置. We may also use high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy, 我们每次使用高剂量的辐射10到20分钟. 我们有全国最好,容量最大的近距离治疗中心之一. At our brachytherapy suite, we can use this treatment on an outpatient basis, during surgery or to prepare for surgery. 

External beam radiation therapy (EBRT): In contrast to brachytherapy, EBRT从外部源引导高能x射线束射向人体. We target the radiation to precise parts of the body, but there is no applicator attached to the body. EBRT is the most common type of radiation therapy.

Image-guided radiation therapy: 这种治疗方法使用成像扫描来观察肿瘤并计划放射治疗. We are one of the only places in the country with a dedicated, 最先进的正电子发射断层扫描/计算机断层扫描(PET/CT)扫描仪用于这种治疗. 在PET/CT扫描过程中,你会注射一种叫做示踪剂的安全物质. 这种示踪剂出现在扫描仪上,给我们非常详细的肿瘤图像, including information about the tumor’s growth rate.

Stereotactic radiosurgery: 我们使用立体定向放射手术治疗脑瘤或其他头部肿瘤. 这项技术实际上不是手术,因为病人不需要任何切口. 相反,我们使用精确的高剂量辐射束将治疗送到精确的位置. During treatment, 你躺在一个180度旋转的沙发上这样我们就可以瞄准肿瘤而不损害肿瘤周围的健康组织.

Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT): SBRT将图像引导辐射技术与立体定向技术相结合. First, we take three-dimensional scans of a tumor. 扫描与软件相结合,帮助我们准确地计划辐射的目标. 然后,我们使用立体定向放射外科以专家的精度提供辐射剂量. SBRT can significantly shorten treatment time. It often only requires about five individual treatment sessions, as opposed to the 35 sessions needed with other techniques. 


Computed tomography (CT) simulator: A CT simulator is like a walkthrough of radiation treatment. 在开始放疗前使用模拟器可以确保我们给病人适当的设置, planning and dosage.

 Linear accelerator: 这些机器是专门设计用来产生高能x射线和电子的. 我们可以使用直线加速器来进行立体定向放射手术, image-guided radiation therapy or SBRT.

Meet our team

Our team includes experts in patient care and research. We are continually finding and implementing new gold-standard treatments, including radiation therapy. 我们的放射肿瘤学家采用以患者为中心的方法,优先考虑安全性, precision and comfort.

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放射肿瘤学家采用以患者为中心的方法和个性化的治疗计划. 要了解更多信息并预约UCLA放射肿瘤学家,请皇冠hga025:

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Santa Monica - 424-259-8777
Downtown LA - 213-744-1460