
Our digestive disorders and diseases experts are national and international leaders in gastrointestinal disease treatment.



自1953年成立以来, the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校Vatche and Tamar Manoukian消化疾病科 has been recognized as one of the world’s foremost clinical and research institutions.

我们提供常见和罕见的消化系统疾病和条件的护理. 当您选择我们的团队时,您将受益于:

  • 多学科的方法: Our skilled practitioners use a multidisciplinary approach to develop customized care plans that best fit individualized patient needs. 我们还提供各种各样的项目,提供专门的、利基的护理.
  • 整体护理超出我们的医疗专业知识, 我们通过与胃肠道营养师合作,为患者提供全面的治疗方法, 综合保健护士从业人员和胃肠道健康心理学家.
  • 获得临床试验和研究: 我们有大型医疗中心和教学医院的资源支持. Scientists in research laboratories work closely with our physicians to bring new and improved diagnostics, 治疗和预防策略.
  • 培训和教学: 我们培养未来的领导者在学术和临床胃肠病学和肝病学. UCLA is among the largest GI fellowship programs in the country and has trained many of the top clinical and research gastroenterologists across the globe.


We offer gastrointestinal disease services in the Melvin and Bren Simon Digestive Disease Center at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康. We offer a range of programs that address digestive problems and GI nutritional concerns, including:  

乳糜泻项目: Our experts provide accurate diagnosis and medical management including individualized nutrition and wellness plans to optimize your health and quality of life. We use a team approach to care for patients with celiac disease and other gluten-related disorders. 我们与皮肤科等专科医生密切合作, 内分泌学, 神经病学和风湿病学来解决与乳糜泻相关的疾病.

炎症性肠病(IBD)中心: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校炎症性肠病健康中心, 我们理解IBD, 包括克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎, 会引起重大的, 对你生活的不可预知的干扰. 我们采用药物综合治疗方法, 饮食改变和压力管理并与结直肠外科医生合作, 肝脏病学家, 注册营养师等等.

肥胖和代谢健康中心(COMET): COMET is one of the few centers in the United States where we actively research how to conquer the obesity epidemic. 我们的目标是更好地了解肥胖和代谢综合征, 同时找到新的治疗方法. Our experts offer comprehensive surgical and non-surgical treatments including medical weight loss, 教育, 咨询, 减肥手术和内窥镜治疗肥胖.

家族性地中海热诊所: FMF is a genetic disorder characterized by sporadic bouts of fever and severe pain associated with inflammation of all the linings and surfaces of the body. The FMF Clinic was founded in the early 1960s and its multidisciplinary team of specialists include gastroenterologists, 医学遗传学家, 风湿病专家, neurologists and immunologists and has been a national and international resource as the only program of its kind in the United States.

一般胃肠病学: 数百万人患有胃肠道症状. 通过皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的梅尔文和布伦·西蒙消化疾病中心, 我们的执照, 训练有素的专家使用经过验证的临床数据, 先进的技术和微创手术提供专家评估, 诊断与治疗.

GI运动计划: 运动障碍可以影响胃肠道的任何部分, 使食物难以在体内流动. Symptoms of these disorders include 吞咽困难 or a feeling of food being stuck in the throat or chest. 它们还会引起恶心、呕吐、痉挛、便秘和腹泻. 我们提供各种治疗和疗法,包括药物治疗, 生物反馈, 营养指导, 放松技巧, 微创内窥镜手术和外科.

GI营养计划: 食物不仅仅是燃料. 它还与享受、社会联系和文化有关. 当你被诊断为消化系统紊乱时, 你可能会对有限的食物选择感到焦虑或担心. Our specialized GI dietitians will create personalized diet and supplement recommendations based on your symptoms and diagnosis. 我们的团队也了解环境因素的作用, 情绪, sleep and stress play on digestive well-being and take a holistic approach that encourages better symptom management by incorporating lifestyle strategies into your nutrition care plan.

肝脏病学项目: Our hepatology and transplant hepatology specialists care for adults with a wide spectrum of liver disease and are an essential part of the Pfleger Liver Institute and Asian Liver Center. We collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to diagnose and treat common and rare liver disorders. 我们的专家团队采用定制的护理计划,可能包括饮食和生活方式支持, 药物, 微创技术, 肝脏移植或手术.

肠易激综合症和其他肠脑相互作用紊乱: We are recognized as leaders across the nation in the 诊断与治疗 of disorders of the gut-brain interaction. 除了最新的临床治疗, we collaborate with the 综合消化健康 and 健康 Program to provide 营养指导, 行为疗法和压力管理技术可以改善胃肠道症状. 这种全面的治疗方法对患有恶心等慢性疾病的患者有益, 腹胀, 腹部疼痛, 周期性呕吐综合征, 便秘和肠易激综合症(肠易激综合症).

综合消化健康和保健计划: 我们对您的健康和幸福采取全面的方法. 我们使用一系列的饮食, behavioral and integrative health practices to help patients manage gastrointestinal disorders. 通过我们全面的服务, 一组胃肠病学家, GI护士, 正念专家, 注册GI营养师和GI健康心理学家为您服务.

介入内窥镜检查: 介入内窥镜检查是胃肠病学的一个分支,专家使用一种薄的, flexible scope (endoscope) to diagnose and treat a range of GI disorders including bile duct, 结肠, 食管, 胆囊, 胃和胰腺疾病. 这些先进的, 微创手术避免外部切口,促进更快的恢复时间. Interventional endoscopists also use these procedures to perform non-surgical treatments for weight loss and for those who have regained weight after gastric bypass surgery.

本文主要疾病: We work closely with the UCLA Agi Hirschberg Center for Pancreatic Diseases to treat patients with pancreaticobiliary diseases (diseases that affect the pancreas, 胆囊或胆管.) 特别是,我们在治疗胰腺癌方面享有全国声誉. We use the latest technology and minimally invasive procedures to provide patients with gold-standard care.

罗伯特·G. 卡戴珊食道健康中心: Patients from all over the world come to our center for 诊断与治疗 of 食管 diseases, 包括罕见和复杂的情况. We use a patient-centered approach that incorporates the collaboration between multiple specialists including gastroenterologists, 外科医生, 肿瘤学家, 放射肿瘤学家, 放射科医生和病理学家. 超越医疗管理, 我们的团队也利用注册胃肠道营养师的专业知识, GI健康心理学家, 综合健康从业者和语言病理学家.


胃肠道和肝脏疾病的范围很广. 在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们的专家可以帮助你控制症状并治疗这些疾病. 最常见的包括:

  • 一般胃肠道疾病腹痛、腹胀、 艰难梭菌(C. diff), 便秘, 腹泻, 呕吐, 恶心想吐, 肠易激综合症(肠易激综合症), 痔疮, 溃疡, 结肠炎, 胃肠道出血, 肠阻塞, 憩室炎, 乳糖不耐受, 结肠息肉, 周期性呕吐综合征
  • 乳糜泻和其他麸质相关疾病: 乳糜泻,麸质敏感,小麦过敏,显微镜下的结肠炎, dermatitis herpetiformis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves disease, gluten neuropathy, gluten ataxia
  • 食道及运动障碍: GERD, 胃酸倒流, 失弛缓性, 打嗝, 巴雷特食管, 吞咽困难, 食道癌, 嗜酸性粒细胞性食管炎, 大便失禁, 胃轻瘫, 食管裂孔疝, 手提钻食道, 喉咽反流
  • 炎性肠病(IBD): 克罗恩病溃疡性结肠炎
  • 肝脏疾病: 肝炎、肝硬化、脂肪肝 胆汁淤积性肝病, 酒精性肝病, 自身免疫性肝炎, 肝纤维化, 威尔逊氏病, 非酒精性脂肪肝(NAFLD), 非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH), 肝癌
  • 胰腺疾病: 胆结石, 胰腺炎, 胆管紊乱,胰腺囊肿


Our team uses diagnostic tests and procedures to diagnose and treat a variety of GI and liver disorders. 这些方法的范围从侵入性到非侵入性,从简单到复杂. 最常见的包括:


  • 结肠镜检查: This examination of the large intestine (结肠) and rectum checks for abnormalities or changes such as growths in your intestinal lining (polyps). 它可以帮助医生在结肠和直肠息肉变成癌症之前发现并切除它们.   
  • 粪便免疫化学试验(FIT): This colorectal cancer screening tests a stool sample for blood not visible to the human eye. FIT测试可以在家里进行,不需要事先进行肠道准备. 它必须每年完成才有效.
  • 粪便微生物移植(FMT): FMT是复发性肿瘤的另一种治疗方法 艰难梭菌(C. diff) 感染. C. diff 是一种引起严重结肠炎和腹泻的细菌吗. 反复感染的患者往往很难找到有效的治疗方法. FMT is a new and innovative procedure that places processed stool from a healthy donor into a patient’s GI tract.
  • FibroScan®: 利用瞬态弹性图, 哪一种是无创的,类似于超声波, 这项检查有助于诊断肝纤维化(肝上的疤痕组织)和脂肪肝疾病. 它还能让我们评估肝脏并确定损伤程度.
  • 乙状结肠镜检查: This test is an examination of the rectum and the lower portion of the large intestine (sigmoid 结肠). 它可以帮助医生检查息肉、溃疡或其他不规则细胞.  
  • 上消化道内镜检查: 这个程序评估胃, 食道和小肠的第一部分(十二指肠). 我们可以用这个测试来诊断腹痛的原因, 吞咽困难或胃肠道出血.  


我们使用最新、最先进的技术来检测和诊断运动障碍. 测试包括: 

  • 肛肠和食管测压: 这个测试评估你直肠和肛门括约肌的神经. 我们可以用它来诊断便秘、大小便失禁或肠梗阻的原因.
  • 肛门直肠的生物反馈
  • pH值测试包括无线(Bravo™)和有线


  • 胶囊内窥镜检查(PillCam™)
  • Cholangioscopy
  • Chromoendoscopy
  • 结肠息肉及癌切除
  • 冷冻疗法
  • 狭窄扩张
  • 内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)
  • 内镜超声(EUS)
  • 肠内或肠内支架
  • 小肠镜
  • 胃经口内窥镜切肌术(G-POEM))
  • 经口内窥镜切肌术(POEM)
  • 射频消融(RFA)
  • 石头移除
  • 经口无切口置底术(TIF)


我们的胃肠道和肝脏专家是国内和国际临床护理的领导者, 研究和教育. 我们的GI和GI手术服务一直在全国名列前茅.


呼叫 310-825-2631 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的胃肠病学家或肝脏专家.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校消化疾病小组负责常规和复杂的胃肠道问题. 欲了解更多有关我们的服务,请致电 310-825-2631.