
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 experts offer the full range of family planning services to address your needs, 目标和生活方式.

Family Therapist Talking To Black Couple Sitting In Protective Masks On Couch At Office


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 计划生育服务包括堕胎护理, 流产的管理, full-scope contraceptive care and confidential support for patients and families. 我们经验丰富的团队提供全面的妇科治疗, 在关怀的环境中提供产科和计划生育服务. 作为一个学术医疗中心, we are proud to provide leading-edge medical care for even the most complex OB/GYN needs. 我们课程的亮点包括:

定制服务: 你是否想要一个家庭, 预防怀孕或了解你的生育选择, 我们的团队为您量身定制护理. We also offer routine health screenings and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 experts work closely with you to create a plan that fits your 目标和生活方式. 

富有同情心的护理:皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们理解计划生育的决定是个人决定. 如果你的计划包括要孩子, our team ensures you have the information you need to get pregnant when the time is right. We also offer comprehensive abortion care and post-abortion support for patients who choose to end a pregnancy. Every member of our team is dedicated to helping you pursue the path that works for you.

对无障碍的承诺: We offer translation services in many languages so we can provide individualized care to all members of our community. Our care team welcomes teenagers, adults, elderly patients and people of all genders. Our team assists LGBTQ+ couples with family planning and referrals for fertility treatment to provide more options for starting a family. We also specialize in helping individuals with disabilities and people with complex medical conditions.

先进的专业知识: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康妇产科专家是全国范围内的领导者 妇女保健. 我们的专家提供生殖护理, 基因检测和咨询, 为各种健康状况的患者提供生育咨询. We partner with other specialists across 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 to help you maximize your overall well-being and prepare for a healthy pregnancy. 我们是一个委员会认证的复杂计划生育协会网站.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our experienced team specializes in complex family planning and reproductive health. 我们的护理领域包括:

  • 流产和流产管理
  • 避孕咨询
  • 孕前和孕期的基因检测和咨询
  • 妇产科(OB/GYN)护理
  • 性传播感染(STI)检测和治疗


作为我们承诺的一部分,提供方便和富有同情心的堕胎护理, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s 复杂计划生育 Team offers comprehensive services to patients who choose to end a pregnancy. Our specialists take time to explain your options and help you decide what’s right for you.

根据几个因素,您的选择可能包括 药物或外科手术. 你的医生会讨论每一个选择,并回答你可能有的任何问题. 我们提供无测试远程医疗流产(NTTA)模式的护理, giving patients access to a medication abortion without requiring an ultrasound or in-person clinic visit.

Our experienced team understands that the decision to terminate a pregnancy can be a complicated choice. 这就是为什么我们的服务超越了手术本身. 我们会为你提供任何你想要的支持和咨询.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our highly trained family planning care team provides comprehensive birth control counseling. We are also able to care for patients experiencing complications related to contraception (such as embedded IUDs or deeply implanted Nexplanon® implants).

Our goal is to give you the information you need to allow you to have a healthy pregnancy if and when you're ready. 我们会根据你的整体健康、年龄和生活方式来讨论你的选择. 如果您的需求发生变化,我们也会跟进和调整计划. 您的选择可能包括:

障碍方法: 避孕套和横膈膜阻止精子到达卵子.

联合激素避孕药: These methods release hormones into the body that prevent you from ovulating (releasing an egg). 它们以口服(口服)避孕药的形式出现。, a birth control patch that you wear on your skin or a flexible ring that you insert into your vagina.

紧急避孕(事后避孕药): 这种药可以防止无保护的性行为后怀孕. 它不是堕胎药,如果你已经怀孕了,它就不起作用. 我们也可以将宫内节育器(含铜和激素)作为紧急避孕措施.

注射(避孕针): 打针会释放荷尔蒙,阻止你排卵. 你的医生会在你上臂的皮肤上打一针. 注射后可以控制生育几个月.

植入物: 医生会在你上臂的皮肤下植入一个小的植入物. 植入物会释放阻止排卵的激素. 植入物可以维持几年.

宫内节育器: Your doctor inserts this small, T-shaped device into your uterus during a brief office visit. 宫内节育器可以防止怀孕长达10到12年. When you’re ready to have it removed, your doctor takes it out during another visit.

永久避孕: Our team offers several types of birth control that prevent pregnancy permanently. Women may choose to have a tubal ligation (a procedure to block the fallopian tubes so an egg cannot travel to the uterus). Men may choose a vasectomy (surgery that stops the supply of sperm to the penis).


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家提供常规和全面的治疗 妇产科护理. 当你来找我们时,你会发现:

妇科服务: We provide breast and pelvic exams, Pap smears and minimally invasive gynecological surgeries. 我们的专家也治疗盆腔疼痛, 子宫肌瘤(非癌性生长)和子宫异常出血.

产科护理: To monitor you and your baby’s health, you receive checkups throughout your pregnancy. We have extensive experience with high-risk pregnancies and work closely with experts at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Maternal Fetal Medicine to ensure coordinated care. We also offer nutritional and social work support as part of our holistic care model.

基因检测: 我们与生殖遗传学专家合作,提供孕前治疗 遗传咨询 对于有个人或家族遗传病史的人. Our expertise includes helping prospective parents assess the risk of passing a genetic disorder to their children. We also offer genetic testing after pregnancy termination, to help for future pregnancy planning.


We’re committed to empowering our patients and members of our community to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. 我们的目标是提供易于理解的内容, 关于一系列主题的医学准确信息, 包括避孕方法和自然计划生育. We offer services that include several outreach and educational programs, such as:

节育故事: To connect with a larger audience and explain birth control methods in a clear and engaging way, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的计划生育小组开发了生育控制故事(BC故事). This creative approach to patient education is an informative series of cartoons about various birth control methods. 了解更多关于BC故事和阅读漫画.

第十章计划生育方案: 通过在学校和组织举办讲习班, 我们的健康教育专家分享有关预防怀孕的信息, 降低性传播感染风险, 性别与性, 人际关系中的健康沟通等等. 我们量身定制每个互动研讨会,以满足小组的具体需求. 了解更多关于安排研讨会的信息.


我们接受几种保险计划,包括商业HMO和PPO计划. 我们也与自费的病人合作. 我们接受的保险计划包括:

皇冠hga025医保: 我们接受直接的皇冠hga025医保和怀孕限制的皇冠hga025医保. 哪里有资格, 我们可以给病人登记临时皇冠hga025医保, 也被称为医院推定资格. Patients who are members of Medi-Cal managed care may see us without needing authorization for sensitive services (contraception care, 性传播感染检测/治疗, 堕胎相关护理)或获得其他妇产科服务的授权.

计划生育、获取、护理和治疗皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心是皇冠hga025计划生育办公室项目的一部分. 透过家庭契约, we provide comprehensive family planning services to low-income California citizens. 了解更多关于家庭契约的信息.

乳癌及子宫颈癌治疗计划: 我们可以招募病人 这个程序,为合资格的申请人提供癌症护理.


我们的医生是计划生育、妇科和产科方面的专家. 在复杂的计划生育方面有专门的知识, 高危妊娠, 子宫肌瘤的治疗, 微创手术, 盆腔疼痛等, 我们作为一个团队工作,以提供卓越, 定制的护理.


呼叫 310-825-5961 与计划生育专家联系或接受与堕胎有关的护理.
呼叫 310-825-7955 用于妇产科护理或一般调度需求.


您将在充满关爱的环境中接受量身定制的计划生育服务. 呼叫 310-825-5961 联系计划生育专家. 一般的妇产科护理,你可以打电话 310-825-7955.